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施开放,男,汉族,安徽省马鞍山市人,理学博士,副教授主要从事夜间灯光遥感、遥感经济分析、城市地理方面的研究与教学工作。5年先后主持或参与国家自然科学基金以及各类省部级项目8项。已在IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote SensingComputers, Environment and Urban SystemsApplied Geography等国内外核心期刊上发表学术论文60余篇ESI高被引论文4篇。论文总引用超过3000次,单篇论文近年来引用近450次,多篇论文超过250次。担任Nature SustainabilityRemote Sensing of EnvironmentScience China Earth Sciences几十国内外核心期刊审稿人。

提出了多个社会经济指标(碳排放、电力消耗、城市建成区等)的夜间灯光遥感数据感知与估算模型,研究成果被世界银行、NASA、美国国家经济研究局、世界经济论坛等机构广泛采纳、推广和应用。构建了长时序高空间分辨率的社会经济指标数据集,免费发布在国家地球系统科学数据中心和Harvard Dataverse等国内外数据共享网站上,并被广泛下载和引用。入选2022Elsevier全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(年度影响力榜单);获首届川渝科技学术大会优秀论文一等奖(被四川卫视、新华社客户端、央广网、中国新闻网、澎湃新闻等多家媒体报道和转载)。






201411201612月,澳大利亚CSIRO Land and Water,博士联合培养















国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、重庆市自然科学基金通讯评审专家、IEEE Member

Frontiers in Remote Sensing: Associate Editor

Frontiers in Public Health (SSCI, JCR一区): Editor

Remote Sensing (SCI, 中科院二区): Guest Editor Special Issue on “Recent Advances of Urban Development Scenarios Simulation using Remote Sensing and GIS” (Deadline of submission: 31/December/2022); (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing/special_issues/urban_simulation)

Land (SSCI/SCI, JCR二区): Guest EditorSpecial Issue on “Future Urban Land Expansion in China” (Deadline of submission: 31/December/2022); (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing/special_issues/urban_simulation)


部分期刊审稿人:Nature Sustainability, Remote Sensing of Environment, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Science China Earth Sciences, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation, Scientific Data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, International Journal of Digital Earth, Remote Sensing Letters, GIScience and Remote Sensing, Transactions in GIS, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Geo-spatial Information Science, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Sustainable Cities and Society, Urban Climate, Frontiers of Earth Science, Applied Energy, Building and Environment, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, Resources Conservation & Recycling, Journal of Environmental Management, Environment International, Environmental Pollution, Regional Environmental Change, Land Degradation & Development, Ecological Indicators, Atmospheric Research, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Carbon Management, Journal of Land Use Science, 测绘学报, 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 地球信息科学学报, 地理科学, 地球科学进展, 中国管理科学等



8. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,(42101345),2022-2024年,主持,在研

7. 重庆市社会科学规划项目(2021NDQN39),2021-2023年,(主持,在研)

6. 中央高校基本科研业务基金重点项目(自然科学),(XDJK2020B008),2020-2021年,(主持,结题

5. 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(18XJC790011),2018-2021年,(主持,结题)

4. 中央高校基本科研业务基金一般项目(自然科学),(XDJK2018C015),2018-2019年,(主持,结题

3. 重庆市社会科学规划项目(2018BS55),2018-2020年,(主持,结题)

2. 西南大学引进人才计划基金项目(自然科学),(SWU118102),2018-2020年,(主持,结题

1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,(41830648),2019-2023年,参与,在研



Google Citation: (https://x.glgoo.top/citations?user=4doiZ7cAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN)








61. Shi, K*., Wu, Y., Liu, S., Chen, Z., Huang, C., Cui, Y*., 2023. Mapping and evaluating global urban entities (2000–2020): A novel perspective to delineate urban entities based on consistent nighttime light data. GIScience and Remote Sensing 60 (1), 2161199. (SCITOP)

60. Wu, Y., Shi, K*., Liu, S., Liu, L., 2023. Differentiated effects of morphological and functional polycentric urban spatial structure on carbon emissions in China: An empirical analysis from remotely sensed nighttime light approaches. International Journal of Digital Earth 10.1080/17538947.2023.2176558. (SCITOP)

59. Shi, K., Liu, G., Wu, Y*., Cui, Y., 2023. What urban spatial structure is more conducive to reducing carbon emissions? A conditional effect of population size. Applied Geography 151, 102855. (SSCITOP)

58. Liu, S., Shi, K*., Wu, Y., Cui, Y., 2023. Suburban greening and suburbanization changing surface urban heat island intensity in China. Building and Environment 228, 109906. (SCITOP)


57. Shi, K., Wu, Y*., Liu, S. 2022. Slope climbing of urban expansion worldwide: Spatiotemporal characteristics, driving factors and implications for food security. Journal of Environmental Management 324, 116337. (SCITOP)

56. Liu, S., Shi, K*., Wu, Y. 2022. Identifying and evaluating suburbs in China from 2012 to 2020 based on SNPP–VIIRS nighttime light remotely sensed data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 114, 103041. (SCITOP)

55. Chang, Z., Liu, S., Wu, Y., Shi, K*. 2022. The regional disparity of urban spatial expansion is greater than that of urban socioeconomic expansion in China: A new perspective from nighttime light remotely sensed data and urban land datasets. Remote Sensing 14(17), 4348. (SCI)

54. Shi, K., Wu, Y., Li, D., Li, X*. 2022. Population, GDP, and carbon emissions as revealed by SNPP-VIIRS nighttime light data in China with different scales. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19, 3008005. (SCI)

53. Liu, S., Shen, J., Liu, G., Wu, Y., Shi, K*. 2022. Exploring the effect of urban spatial development pattern on carbon dioxide emissions in China: A socioeconomic density distribution approach based on remotely sensed nighttime light data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 96, 101847. (SSCITOP)

52. Wu, Y., Li, C., Shi, K*., Liu, S., Chang, Z. 2022. Exploring the effect of urban sprawl on carbon dioxide emissions: An urban sprawl model analysis from remotely sensed nighttime light data. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 93, 106731. (SSCITOP)

51. Wu, Y., Shi, K*., Chen, Z., Liu, S., Chang, Z. 2022. Developing time-series of improved DMSP-OLS-like data (1992-2019) in China by integrating DMSP-OLS and SNPP-VIIRS. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 4407714. (SCITOP)

50.Chen, Z., Wei, Y., Shi, K., Zhao, Z., Wang, C., Wu, B., Wu, Qiu., Yu, B*. 2022. The potential of nighttime light remote sensing data to evaluate the development of digital economy: A case study of China at the city level. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 92, 101749. (SSCITOP)

49. Shi, K., Shen, J., Wu, Y., Tang, X*. 2022. Identifying and quantifying urban polycentric development in China from DMSP-OLS data and urban land datasets. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 22, 3000805. (SCI)


48. Liu, S., Shi, K*., Wu, Y., Chang, Z. 2021. Remotely sensed nighttime lights reveal China’s urbanization process restricted by haze pollution. Building and Environment 206, 108350. (SCITOP)

47. Shi, K., Shen, J., Wu, Y., Liu, S., Li, L*. 2021. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the service industry, traffic, and secondary industry as revealed by the remotely sensed nighttime light data. International Journal of Digital Earth 14 (11), 1514-1527. (SCITOP)

46. Shi, K*., Wu, Y. Liu, S. 2021. Does China’s city-size distribution present a flat distribution trend: An empirical analysis from DMSP-OLS nighttime light data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 14, 5171-5179. (SCI)

45. Jiang, M.; Wu, Y., Chang, Z., Shi, K*. 2021. The effects of urban forms on the fine particulate matter concentration in China: A hierarchical multiscale analysis. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 18, 3785. (SSCI/SCI)

44. Shi, K., Wu, Y., Li, L*. 2021. Quantifying and evaluating the effect of urban expansion on the fine particulate matter emissions from fossil fuel combustion in China. Ecological Indicators 125, 107541. (SCITOP)

43. Huang, X., Shi, K*., Cui, Y., Li, Y., 2021. A saturated light correction method for DMSP-OLS nighttime stable light data by remote and social sensing data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 14, 1885-1894. (SCI)

42. 伍亿真, 施开放*, 余柏蒗, 李川龙, 2021. 利用NPP-VIIRS夜间灯光遥感数据分析城市蔓延对雾霾污染的影响. 武汉大学学报·信息科学版 46(5): 777-789. (EI)

41. Shi, K.; Cui, Y.; Chen, Z., Wu, J., Yu. B*. 2021. NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data have different correlated relationships with fossil fuel combustion carbon emissions from different sectors. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 18(12), 2062-2066. (SCI)

40. 余柏蒗, 王丛笑, 宫文康, 陈佐旗, 施开放, 吴宾, 洪宇辰, 李乔玄, 吴健平, 2021. 夜间灯光遥感与城市问题研究: 数据、方法、应用和展望. 遥感学报 25(1): 342-364. (EI)

39. Cui, Y.; Shi, K*.; Jiang, L., Feng, Q. 2021. Identifying and evaluating the nighttime economy in China by using multisource data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 18(11), 1906-1910. (SCI)

38. Ma, M.; Ge, W*.; Shi, K*. 2021. Airport’s throughput estimation using nighttime light data in China mainland. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 18(8), 1357-1360. (SCI)


37. Shen, J.; Shi, K.; Chen, M*. 2020. Topological relations between directed line segments in the cyclic space. Journal of Geographical Systems 22, 497-518. (SSCI)

36. Shi, K*., Shen, J., Wang, L., Ma, M., Cui, Y*. 2020. A multiscale analysis of the effect of urban expansion on PM2.5 concentrations in China: Evidence from multisource remote sensing and statistical data. Building and Environment 174, 106778. (SCITOP)

35. Shi, K., Xu, T., Li, Y., Chen, Z., Gong, W., Wu, J., Yu, B*. 2020. Effects of urban forms on CO2 emissions in China from a multi-perspective analysis. Journal of Environmental Management. 262, 110300. (SCITOP)

34. Li, L.; Chen, Y.; Xu, T.; Meng, L.; Huang, C.; Shi, K*. 2020. Spatial attraction models coupled with Elman Neural Networks for enhancing sub-pixel urban inundation mapping. Remote Sensing 12, 2068. (SCI)

33. Li, C.; Li, Y.; Shi, K*.; Yang, Q*. 2020. A multiscale evaluation of the coupling relationship between urban land and carbon emissions: A case study of Chongqing, China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17, 3416. (SSCI/SCI)

32. Huang, Y., Shi, K., Zong, H., Zhou, T., Shen, J*., 2020. Exploring spatial and temporal connection patterns among the districts in Chongqing based on highway passenger flow. Remote Sensing 12, 27. (SCI)

31. Wu, Y.; Jiang, M.; Chang, Z.; Li, Y.; Shi, K*. 2020. Does China’s urban development satisfy Zipf’s Law? A multiscale perspective from the NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 17, 1460. (SSCI/SCI)

30. Shi, K., Chang, Z., Chen, Z., Wu, J., Yu, B*. 2020. Identifying and evaluating poverty using multisource remote sensing and point of interest (POI) data: A case study of Chongqing, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 255, 120245. (SCITOP)


29. Zhang, Z., Hu, B., Shi, K., Su, K., and Yang, Q*., 2019. Exploring the dynamic, forecast and decoupling effect of land natural capital utilization in the hinterland of the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. Science of The Total Environment, 134832. (SCITOP)

28. Wang H., Liu G., Shi K*., 2019. What are the driving forces of urban CO2 emissions in China? A refined scale analysis between national and urban agglomeration levels. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16(19):3692. (SSCI/SCI)

27. Shi, K., Yu, B*., Zhou, Y., Chen, Y., Yang, C., Chen, Z., and Wu, J. 2019. Spatiotemporal variations of CO2 emissions and their impact factors in China: A comparative analysis between the provincial and prefectural levels. Applied Energy 233-234: 170-181. (SCITOPESI高被引用论文)

26. Shi K*., Yang, Q., Li, Y*., 2019. Are karst rocky desertification areas affected by increasing human activity in Southern China? An empirical analysis from nighttime light data. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16(21), 4175. (SSCI/SCI)

25. Shi, K., Yang, Q*., Li, Y., and Sun, X. 2019. Mapping and evaluating cultivated land fallow in Southwest China using multisource data. Science of the Total Environment 654: 987-999. (SCITOP)

24. Shi, K*., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Li, L., and Huang, C., 2019. How does the urban forms-PM2.5 concentration relationship change seasonally in Chinese cities? A comparative analysis between national and urban agglomeration scales. Journal of Cleaner Production 239: 118088. (SCITOP)

23. Shi, K*., Wang, H., Yang, Q., Wang, L., Sun, X., Li, Y*.,2019. Exploring the relationships between urban forms and fine particulate (PM2.5) concentrations in China: A multi-perspective. Journal of Cleaner Production 231: 990-1004. (SCITOP)

22. Su K., Hu B., Shi K., Zhang, Z., and Yang., Q*., 2019. The structural and functional evolution of rural homesteads in mountainous areas: A case study of Sujiaying village in Yunnan province, China. Land Use Policy 88: 104100. (SSCITOP)

21. Chen, Y*., Xu, T., Shui, J., Liu, R., Wahid, S., Shi, K., and Cheng, Z. 2019. Characterizing spatiotemporal variability of South Asia’s climate extremes in past decades. Climate Research 77(3): 249-265. (SCI)

20. Li, L*., Chen, Y., Xu, T., Shi, K., Huang, C., Liu, R., and Meng, L. 2019. Enhanced super-resolution mapping of urban floods based on the fusion of support vector machine and general regression neural network. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 16 (8): 1269-1273. (SCI)

19. Shi, K., Yang, Q., Fang, G., Yu, B*., Chen, Z., Yang, C., and Wu, J. 2019. Evaluating spatiotemporal patterns of urban electricity consumption within different spatial boundaries: A case study of Chongqing, China. Energy 167: 641-653. (SCITOP)

18. Chen, Z., Yu, B*., Ta, N., Shi, K., Yang, C., et al. 2019. Delineating seasonal relationships between Suomi-NPP VIIRS nighttime light and human activity across Shanghai, China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 12(11):4275-4283. (SCI)

17. Chen, Z., Yu, B*., Zhou, Y*., Liu, H., Yang, C., Shi, K., and Wu, J. 2019. Mapping global urban areas from 2000 to 2012 using time-series nighttime light data and MODIS products. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 12 (4): 1143-1153. (SCI)


16. Shi, K., Yu, B*., Huang, C., Wu, J and Sun, X. 2018. Exploring spatiotemporal patterns of electric power consumption in countries along the Belt and Road. Energy 150: 847-859. (SCITOP)

15. Shi, K*., Chen, Y., Li, L., and Huang, C. 2018. Spatiotemporal variations of urban CO2 emissions in China: A multiscale perspective. Applied Energy 211, 218-229. (SCITOP)

14. 孙秀锋, 施开放*, 吴健平, 2018. 县级尺度的重庆市碳排放时空格局动态. 环境科学 39(6): 466-476. (EI)

13. Yu, B., Tang, M., Wu, Q., Yang, C., Deng, S., Shi, K., Peng, C., Wu, J., and Chen, Z*. 2018. Urban built-up area extraction from logarithm transformed NPP-VIIRS nighttime light composite data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 15(8), 1279-1283. (SCI)

12. Shi, K*., Huang, C., Chen, Y and Li, L., 2018. Remotely sensed nighttime lights reveal increasing human activities in protected areas of China mainland. Remote Sensing Letters 9(5): 468-477. (SCI)


11. Chen, Z., Yu, B*., Song, W., Liu, H., Wu, Q., and Shi, K., et al., 2017. A new approach for detecting urban centers and their spatial structure with nighttime light remote sensing. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing 55(11): 6305-6319. (SCITOP)

10. Shi, K., Chen, Y., Yu, B*., Xu, T., Yang, C., Li, L., Huang, C., Chen, Z., Liu, R., and Wu, J., 2016. Detecting spatiotemporal dynamics of global electric power consumption using DMSP-OLS nighttime stable light data. Applied Energy 184:450-463. (SCITOP)

9. Shi, K., Chen, Y., Yu, B*., Xu, T., Chen, Z., Liu, R., Li, L., and Wu, J., 2016. Modeling spatiotemporal CO2 (carbon dioxide) emission dynamics in China from DMSP-OLS nighttime stable light data using panel data analysis. Applied Energy 168:523-533. (SCITOPESI高被引用论文)

8. Huang C*., Chen, Y., Zhang S., Li, L., Shi, K., and Liu, R., 2016. Surface water mapping from Suomi NPP-VIIRS imagery at 30 m resolution via blending with Landsat data. Remote Sensing 8(8): 631; doi:10.3390/rs8080631 (SCI)

7. Li, L*., Chen, Y., Xu, T., Huang, C., Liu, R., and Shi, K., 2016. Integration of Bayesian regulation backpropagation neural network and particle swarm optimization for enhancing sub-pixel mapping of flood inundation in river basins. Remote Sensing Letters 7(7):631-640. (SCI)

6. Li, L*., Chen, Y., Xu, T., Liu, R., Shi, K., and Huang, C., 2015. Super-resolution mapping of wetland inundation from remote sensing imagery based on integration of back-propagation neural network and genetic algorithm. Remote Sensing of Environment 164:142-154. (SCITOP)

5. Shi, K., Yu, B*., Hu, Y., Huang, Y., Huang, C., Chen, Y., Chen, Z., and Wu, J., 2015. Modeling and mapping total freight traffic in China using NPP-VIIRS nighttime light composite data. GIScience and Remote Sensing 52(3):274-289. (SCITOP)

4. Yu, B*., Shi, K., Hu, Y., Huang, C., Huang, Y., Chen, Z., and Wu, J., 2015. Poverty evaluation using NPP-VIIRS nighttime light composite data at the county level in China. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 8(3): 1217-1229. (SCI)

3. Chen, Z., Yu, B*., Hu, Y., Huang, Y., Shi, K., and Wu, J., 2015. Estimating house vacancy rate in metropolitan areas using NPP-VIIRS nighttime light composite data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 8(5): 2188-2197. (SCI)

2. Shi, K., Huang, C., Yu, B*., Yin, B., Huang, Y., and Wu, J., 2014. Evaluation of NPP-VIIRS nighttime light composite data for extracting built-up urban areas. Remote Sensing Letters 5(4):358-366. (SCIESI高被引用论文)

1. Shi, K., Yu, B*., Huang, Y., Hu, Y., Yin, B., Chen, Z., Chen, L., and Wu, J., 2014. Evaluating the ability of NPP-VIIRS nighttime light data to estimate the gross domestic product and the electric power consumption of China at multiple scales: A comparison with DMSP-OLS data. Remote Sensing 6(2): 1705-1724. (SCIESI高被引用论文)



10. Elsevier全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(年度影响力榜单),2022

9. 西南大学地理科学学院尹兴明教师奖 (科研奖),2021

8. 西南大学优秀本科毕业论文指导奖(多个一、二等奖,本科论文100%推优率),2021

7. 西南大学实习先进工作者,2021

6. 首届川渝科技学术大会优秀论文一等奖(1/7,交叉学科排名第一),2020

5. 重庆英才创新创业示范团队成员,2020

4. 重庆市研究生导师团队成员,2019

3. 重庆市科学技术协会自然科学优秀论文奖(1/4),2019

2. 西南大学优秀本科毕业论文指导奖(二等奖),2019

1.Applied Energy》期刊杰出审稿人,2018



(a) 1992-2021年中国长时序夜间灯光遥感数据集1-km



(b) 2012-2020年中国年度郊区时空变化数据集500-m


(c) 2000-2020全球城市实体年度扩张动态数据集 (500-m)


(d) 2012-2018中国城市经济密度分布数据集(500-m



(e) 1997-2012年中国二氧化碳排放数据集 (1-km)


(f) 1992-2013年全球电力消耗数据集(1-km


(g) 2000-2012全球城市建成区数据集(1-km
